Notice Board :

Call for Paper
Vol. 10 Issue 9

Submission Start Date:
September 1, 2024

Acceptence Notification Start:
September 20, 2024

Submission End:
September 26, 2024

Final ManuScript Due:
September 28, 2024

Publication Date:
September 30, 2024
                         Notice Board: Call for PaperVol. 10 Issue 9      Submission Start Date: September 1, 2024      Acceptence Notification Start: September 20, 2024      Submission End: September 26, 2024      Final ManuScript Due: September 28, 2024      Publication Date: September 30, 2024

Volume II Issue I

Author Name
Shreyashi Katyayan, Sarla Singh, Anil Mishra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
Smart and versatile wireless devices brings with them, an ever continuing challenge of finding efficient means for resource usage. Scope and avenues for capacity and coverage improvement in cellular networks are constantly explored. Deployment of small cells such as microcells, picocells, hotspots, and relays proved an effective solution to improve network coverage and capacity. However, this increases in performance occurs with the cost of deployment and maintenance of additional base stations. Another interesting solution to improve coverage and network capacity is the use of user equipment with relaying support.

Author Name
Shreyashi Katyayan , Sarla Singh, Anil Mishra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
The main motto of this paper is to explore user equipment deployed as relays node in heterogeneous networks and analyses the energy efficiency aspect of such communication and show that using user equipment’s as relay helps improving energy efficiency too and to use mobile device as relay is to extend cellular coverage whilst saving capital expenditure of base station deployment. Analyses the possibility of using user equipment as relay to improve Performance of cell edge users and suggest a time based resource partitioning method for relay user equipment to handle Cross-tier interference. Simulate the SINR and bit rate received at UEs. To compare performance, two scenario viz. macro only and macro plus Pico deployment is considered as baseline.

Author Name
Neha Gupta, Vaibhav Jain, Sadhna Mishra
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
Biometrics cannot be misplaced or one cannot forget it. They are hard for attackers to counterfeit and for users to renounce. Face feature is a peculiar characteristic that falls in the category of biometrics. Thus face detection plays a trivial role in face recognition system due to various challenges of illumination, occlusion. Detection of face from the large similar set of image database is becomes very essential. In this paper we propose a method which use KNN & High boost filter. The KNN classifier is used to select skin and non skin pixel then apply high boost filter approach which can eliminate the noise and blur from the image. We also use Gaussian probability density function to model the skin color in HSV and YCbCr color space sand also use canny edge detection technique to sharp the edge of images. The experimental analysis of the propose system is done using performance measuring parameter detection rate.

Author Name
Zaved Ahmad, Naveen Asati
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
This paper presents a case study of academic hostel energy audit exercise carried out in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh to analyze the energy consumption patterns and to provide specific recommendations to improve energy consumption efficiency and to reduce the energy bills. The process of audit executed was data collection during on-site survey, analysis on data obtained and recommendation for improvement of performance. The energy audit showed that the academic hostel consumed an annual electrical energy of 7.2981 MWh and having a potential to save 2.6056 MWh of energy, a 35.7% electrical energy saving potential. To improve the electrical energy performance in academic hostel an enhanced level of awareness to reduce energy waste, the use of efficient equipment and control systems is found to be the most effective energy efficiency measures strategy to improve the lighting and electrical system efficiency in the academic hostel. The benefits of implementing the energy efficiency measures in a

Author Name
Kalpna Mishra, Sonal Choudhary
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
Mobile ad-hoc communication is dynamic nature and all node behave like router in MANET communication node freely move in the network and many time route change so the complex task to maintain routing that type of network. MANET faces various challenges like security issue, quality of service issue and routing decision as well as group communication. Before that various work done to resolve the entire problem with the help of number of technique so here we design efficient and effective group communication with the help of MAODV and ODMRP routing and node behaviour analysis based of quality of service parameter, that work improve the quality of service as well as provide reliable communication to the network and maintain group communication. In this paper we study about number of different mechanism to improve the quality issues of communication and after that we proposed new solution to overcome the problem of quality decrement under MANET.

Author Name
Kanchan Jharbare, Prof. B.P.S.Senger
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is gaining importance because of their flexibility, mobility and ability to work with a limited infrastructure. In multi-hop wireless network, proper utilization of battery power is very much necessary to maintain network connectivity.In order to overcome the network from inefficient routing problem, this paper presents different energy efficient routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, we focus our efforts on methods to reduce the energy consumption in communications between ad hoc network nodes. Routing is a critical issue in MANET and hence the focus of this thesis along with the performance analysis of routing protocols. If the battery power of a node drains quickly then its connectivity in its neighborhood will be lost. So the study of network lifetime is very much crucial as compared to other network parameters. Considering this importance we will make an attempt to simulating the routing performance of proposed protocol in ad ho

Paper Title
Author Name
Abhinav V. Deshpande
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 2 Issue 1
Tempest and Echelon are the method of spying in a sophisticated manner; both are developed by National Security Agency (NSA) for monitoring the people. These technologies are originally developed for pure military espionage, but hackers use them now for spying into other people activities. Tempest is the technology which reproduces what you are seeing in your monitor, what you are typing in your keyboard from a couple of kilometres away. It traces all electromagnetic radiation from the victim’s monitor, keyboard, even PC memory and hard disk, and then it reproduces the signals. By using this technology it is possible to intrude only listening into a person’s computer from a couple of kilometres away, even it is a computer which is not networked and enables the intruder to hack without any connection to the victim’s computer. ECHELON is the spying on a large network by sniffing through the words. It is the ongoing secret project of NSA and its counterparts in UK, Canada, Australia and N